Version WinTen²⁺ (.NET) Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 6/8/2012
Program Version:

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software WinTen²⁺ (.NET) Maintenance Release with the release date of 6/8/2012.

Financial Reports Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes

Financial Reports


1. If the segmentation of your agency's chart of accounts includes a Cost Center segment, then you can now filter financial reports by cost center. On the Financial Report Writer screen, the new Cost Centers filter will appear to the right of the Fund filter. (This filter will not appear for agencies without a Cost Center account segment.) (Case 3101)

Path: Home tab menu > Financial Reports > Financial Report Writer > Financial Report Writer screen

2. We have added the Actions menu to the Financial Report Writer screen. It includes options to show or hide all columns on a report. It also has a Column Chooser option, which lets you choose individual columns to include in a report. (Case 3393)

Path: Home tab menu > Financial Reports > Financial Report Writer > Financial Report Writer screen > Actions icon drop-down list



1. For Section 8 inspections, the Next Exam Date field is now available to add as a column on the Schedule Inspections screen. (Case 3402)

Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen

Note: This column does not appear by default. To add it, right-click any column header in the grid on the left side of the Schedule Inspections screen, and then select Column Chooser. Click and drag the Next Exam Date onto the column header area of the grid.

To keep the column permanently, use the Save Layout icon to save the new layout.

Bug Report

1. When scheduling an inspection for a Public Housing unit, the Schedule Inspections screen returned the following error when there was more than one active lease for the unit: "SELECT returns more than one row." This has been corrected. (Case 3019)

Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen


Bug Report

1. We previously added the option to convert existing WinTen² form letters to Scribe form letters (Version, dated 12/19/2011, Case 1490). If you used this option to convert a form letter to Scribe, an error prevented you from later deleting the old form letter from its original location in WinTen². This has been corrected. (Case 3295)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Setup > Form Letter Conversion

Work Order


1. We have enhanced work order reporting options by adding a new Reports screen, which lets you create, save, and run Scribe reports that use work order data sources. (Case 2984)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Reports screen

2. When you complete a work order that contains one or more employee labor entries, the program will now automatically set the default Start Date/Time of the work order as the earliest beginning date/time from employee labor. (Case 3158)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order > Work Order screen > Actions icon drop-down list > Complete Work Order

Bug Reports

1. When you reopened a work order, the program would keep the original Completed Date/Time and Due Date. This has been corrected, so that these dates and times are removed when you reopen the work order. (Case 3351)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order Search > Work Order Search screen > Work Order screen > Status field (change from a completed status to any open status)

2. On the Preventive Maintenance screen, the New icon failed to start a new record. This has been corrected. (Case 3350)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Preventive Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance screen > New icon

3. An "out of memory" error could sometimes occur on the setup screens for Crews, Data Area Developments, Employees, and Job Codes. This has been corrected. (Case 3318)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Setup

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An MRI Software Company